KeyedIn merged with Sciforma in 2023. Starting 1 Jan 2025, you will be redirected to the Sciforma website to access all the information, resources, and support you need. Visit us now at

KeyedIn merged with Sciforma in 2023. Starting 1 Jan 2025, you will be redirected to the Sciforma website to access all the information, resources, and support you need. Visit us now at

This report represents the findings from an online survey of 16 questions posed to project managers and portfolio management leaders from September through December 2021. This report was conducted by KeyedIn, a leading provider of SaaS-based project portfolio management software and services. A total of 105 individuals representing project and portfolio management functions within enterprise organizations, responded to the survey, including project managers, program managers, project management office leaders, heads of IT and CIOs.

Key findings from the report:

  • 86% of project practitioners report they do not have enough resources to meet project demands
  • 95% of project practitioners have had a project fail in the last year
  • 50% of project leaders aren’t using strategic insights to drive project prioritization
  • 71% of projects are not very well aligned with strategic business priorities