Gain PMO Confidence Through Trusted Insight-Led Decisions

KeyedIn provides PMO leaders with comprehensive, innovative technology that seamlessly integrates into your core systems for a single version of the truth. The visibility and control gained from these integrated systems provides the needed business information in real time giving PMO leaders a true competitive advantage.


Say So Long to Data Silos

In today’s face paced environment, it’s even more important for business leaders and specifically the project management office needs visibility across the organization. That often means siloed data by department because the toolset needed for different job functions requires it, but what if we could tell you that KeyedIn provides and maintains integrations that seamlessly connect all of your core systems. That comprehensive view of your business gives you the information needed to make insight-led decisions that are strategically aligned with business initiatives. By eliminating those data silos, the PMO is empowered through real-time reporting and a comprehensive technology platform:

  • Let your teams work how and where they want with seamless integrated systems
  • Make insight-led decisions with centralized visibility across entire organization’s unique systems
  • Pre-built, out of the box and custom integrations available because we play nicely with others


A Comprehensive Approach to System and Data Security


Trusted, Secure and Locked In With KeyedIn

Security is of the upmost importance for KeyedIn and to our customers. KeyedIn offers several layers of security protection and processes to ensure that our client information is handled with care. KeyedIn’s security team of experts ensure all best practices are followed throughout the entire organization and prioritizes the safe and confidential protection of our customer’s data. KeyedIn is ISO 27001:2013 Certified and continues to provide a comprehensive approach to system and data security.

  • Security you can trust through comprehensive system and data security
  • Security experts to maintain security protections, processes and protocols
  • Disaster recovery for those unforeseen natural or civil disasters with full system backups


Take a More Strategic Business Outcome Focused Approach to PPM


Innovation Today for PMO Success Tomorrow

The work of the PMO is never done and neither is the work of KeyedIn’s development team in enhancing our product to suit the everchanging and innovative needs of our clients. With regular product releases delivering product roadmap functionality contributed by our customer based, KeyedIn confidently provides product enhancements that make the job of our customer’s streamlines for a more successful tomorrow. By allowing our customers to give input into our product roadmap, we ensure that product releases are both innovative and will be used by our growing client base.

  • Consistent product enhancements offering functionality to stay ahead of industry trends
  • Customer driven product release components that provide a competitive advantage for our customers
  • Product roadmap shaped around evolving industry needs and technological advancements